Thursday, 28 October 2010

The Great Divide - Mark Greene

A brand new resource from LICC, in which Mark Greene, outlines the greatest challenge to the Church today and what we can do about it.

In this essay, Mark explores the stifling, pervasive, life-denying impact of the sacred-secular divide on Christian mission and living, and reveals how overcoming it can expand our vision, inspire our mission, release our churches, broaden our minds, enlarge our hearts, nourish our souls, thrill our spirits, free our imaginations for faithful following and fruitful living in all of life.

Read a short extract from The Great Divide.

To order copies from the online LICC bookshop click here or call 020 7399 9555.

Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Imagine Project: Next Steps

In this short new video, Neil Hudson outlines some of the next steps for the Imagine project over the coming months. Now that the Pilot Project is finished, how is the work developing?

Friday, 22 October 2010

Lausanne 2010: People at Work

LICC's Executive Director, Mark Greene's address to the Lausanne Conference this week was very warmly received. His talk 'The Theology of Work - Creation, Cross and Conusmation' is now available to watch online. In the allotted 15 minutes, Mark manages to cover a lot of ground exploring the impact of the Sacred-Secular Divide and underlining the place of work in God's purposes in time and eternity.

Thursday, 21 October 2010

Gospel Shaped Discipleship - Antony Billington Mp3 (1)

The first of LICC's Head of Theology Antony Billington's lectures on Gospel Shaped Discipleship is now available to listen to and download here.

In this talk, entitled 'Beginning with the Gospel', Antony sets out the shape and scope of the series and explores the implications for discipleship through our understanding of the gospel in four areas:
  1. Good News from God
  2. Good News about Jesus
  3. Good News of Salvation
  4. Good News for Life

Lecture Programme
20th October - Engaging with the Word
3rd November - Belonging to the Church
10th November - Walking with the Lord
24th November - Living in the World
1st December - Standing in God's Grace

Lectures run 1.00pm-1.50pm, with the option to stay on for discussion afterwards. For more details and to book a place click here.

Friday, 15 October 2010

Lausanne 2010: Christian Discipleship and Mission in the Age of Globalisation

The Lausanne Conference on World Evangelisation begins in Cape Town next week, gathering 4,000 leaders from over 200 countries and LICC's Director Mark Greene will be attending on behalf of the organisation.  This promises to be an important moment and it has been interesting reading a number of the advance papers leading up to the event. 

Particularly stimulating from our point of view is the article by Os Guinness and David Wells, 'Global Gospel, Global Era: Christian Discipleship and Mission in the Age of Globalisation'. The article explores the challenges and opportunities for mission and discipleship in our globalised world and in a clear and succinct manner, outlining a range of cultural forces and challenges to mission in both the micro and macro spheres:
  • The Political Temptation
  • Plausibility Crisis
  • The Downsides of the Age of Communication
  • The Lethal Effect of Secularization
  • The Midas Touch of Consumerism
  • The Idol of Chronological Timeliness
  • The Pressure of the Movement of Movements
  • Creating and Contributing rather than Critiquing and Complaining
The article draws to its conclusion with the noteworthy comment (at least from Imagine's perspective) that: 
Evangelism in the global era appears easier, and in many ways it truly is, but discipleship is unquestionably harder, and so too is costly incarnational evangelism that is patterned on the life and death of Jesus rather than on the brilliance of modern insights and techniques.

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Tracy Cotterell - CPAS Leadership Insights

Tracy Cotterell, LICC's Chief Operating Officer was recently interviewed by James Lawrence from the leadership organisation CPAS. The interview explored discipleship, leadership and the significance of high-quality tea-brewing! 

CPAS has made this interview available as a free podcast which you can listen to or download here.

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Imagine Videos

One of the resources on the Imagine section of the website are a series of short (and rough) videos which introduce core ideas from the project. As they are somewhat buried within our current website we thought it might be useful to post them here as well.


Circles of Life


View the videos on the website here...

Monday, 4 October 2010

Celebrating Vocation in Worship

It's great when you know there are allies in the cause of wholelife discipleship. The Alban Institute in the States has proven itself to be one such ally.

This is well worth a read - we'd want to say, 'Amen, amen, amen'!