Friday, 23 April 2010

Gospel in Life: Grace Changes Everything

The new DVD course Gospel in Life: Grace Changes Everything presented by Tim Keller from Redeemer Presbyterian Church, Manhatten is now available. Having watched the course DVD (in Black & White as the DVD is in NTSC format rather than PAL), we think it is an excellent resource for churches and small groups. The DVD features eight 10 minute films featuring Keller and is accompanied by a very thorough Participants Guide that contains session outlines and preparatory reading.

The DVD explores the gospel and how it is lived out in all of life. Bookended by a theology of the city, Keller, with typical clarity and depth, explores how Christians work out life and community in that context, remaining faithful whilst resisting the temptations of assimilation. As he says, "you work out the gospel in the city, in order to work the gospel into your own heart."

The 8 Sessions are:

  1. City: The World That Is

  2. Heart: Three Ways To Live

  3. Idolatory: The Sin Behind The Sin

  4. Community: The Context For Change
  5. Witness: An Alternate City

  6. Work: Cultivating The Garden

  7. Justice: A People For Others

  8. Eternity: The World That Is To Come
For more information and to purchase go to the Gospel in Life website.

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